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KI a brief presentation

As January 26th was "Australia Day", I'll focus a bit on the historic part, putting pics is great, but that doesn't make the whole thing does it? You don't visit just for it do you? Or even if... you're here and it’s all that matters. I won't talk too...

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KI sealink tour

At last, I took a tour of KI, thanks to my job I got to enjoy a free ride on the "Sealink Highights tour" offered by the company Sealink. Now I know the product I can sell to our guests and won’t be told off for unwisely advising the customer on the islands’...

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Le Pudding de la Reine

Le Pudding de la Reine

A la demande générale d'un personne souhaitant découvrir les traditions culinaires, je vous prie d'acclamer ci-dessous la recette du Queen's Pudding. Ingrédients : 7 oeufs dont vous aurez séparer les blancs des jaunes. 1L + 450ml de lait chaud (pas trop...

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Queen's Pudding

Queen's Pudding

Following some of your requests, I will now share with you some typical aussies' recipes. The first one, will be a dessert which I tried while invited at a typical BBQ in Kingscote with lovely aussies. Please welcome the Queen's Pudding recipe. you'll...

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Season's Greetings

Just a small post here to wish you all and your loved ones a very, very good new year 2012. May it bring you happiness, success and a stunning health (up to 120!) It has been a bit hectic for me down here lately, it is the first moment I can actually...

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Chers vous tous, Bonne année!!!!!!! Que 2012 vous apporte du bonheur, du succès et surtout la santé! (jusqu'à 120 ans comme on di si bien de par chez moi ). Je suis pas mal prise par le boulot ces derniers temps, mais j'espère avoir le temps de mettre...

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